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Code 201, Foundations of Software Development

Class 07 - Reading Notes


Readings: Object-Oriented Programming, HTML Tables


Domain Modeling


Explain why we need domain modeling.

- Domain Modeling helps run through the problem and solution. When done correctly, it can verify/validate the understanding of the problem and keeps the ability of the site to be updated or changed easily.  


HTML Table Basics


Why should tables not be used for page layouts?

- It is better to keep positioning, styling and layout with CSS. HTML tables were made to show data, once styling comes into play, and can make it more difficult to work and change the table styling and look.  

List and describe 3 different semantic HTML elements used in an HTML <table>.

-   table, 
-   table header
-   table row


Introducing Constructors


What is a constructor and what are some advantages to using it?

- A constructor is a function that can define set of rules for another function. It can create and control aspects of those rules for each or all together.  

How does the term this differ when used in an object literal versus when used in a constructor?

-   Inside an object literal it refers to the current object it is inside, when used in a constructor, it will be bound to new object in construct and calls upon all occurrences, in the constructor.


Object Prototypes Using A Constructor


Explain prototypes and inheritance via an analogy from your previous work experience.

- Prototypes are similar to a definable object. They can be created and reused from a template to create variety. Through the inheritance property, 'special versions' can be created. As a teacher, when rafting curriculum, in collaboration with my team, we were able to utilize a variety of web-based tools (Dropbox Paper, Teams, etc..) that templated info and passed forward the structures and formatting.


Things I want to know more about: