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Code 201, Foundations of Software Development

Class 08 - Reading Notes


Readings: CSS Layout


Learn CSS - Flexbox


Flexbox is designed for one-dimensional content. Explain what this means.

- It changes or moves around the layout, in a single direction, at a time.  

Explain the difference between the main axis and cross axis.

- the flex-direction property sets the main axis, the cross axis will be the other. I.e., if the row is the main axis, then column would be cross axis.  

How can using certain properties of flexbox negatively impact accessibility?

- Certain properties can switch around how something looks visually but not the actual order on the site or page.  


CSS Layout - Flexbox


What are some advantages of using flexbox over float?

- It becomes much easier to position and move around elements and containers without the issues of working with floats.  

How does this topic connect with your long term goals?

As a personality trait, and a result of my long-term design career, I spend a lot of time trying to work on the front-end presentation, for clients. A lot of the traits of flexbox can be used to facilitate this desire for efficiency and organization.    


Things I want to know more about: