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Code 201, Foundations of Software Development

Class 09 - Reading Notes


Readings: Forms and JS Events


HTML Forms


HTML Forms


Your first Web Form


How To Structure A Web Form


Why are forms so important in web development?

- Forms are how the server can gather inputs from a user. As a result, it can create a more personalized user experience.  

When designing a form, what are some key things to keep in mind when it comes to user experience?

- Labels on each form can make it easier to understand inputs. If the type attribute is set to password, it can protect a user's privacy with passwords. If a form is submitted with error, you should not allow the browser to reload the page, preventing form data from resetting.  

List 5 form elements and explain their importance.

- <form> tags are required when setting up any form to link all the forms to the submit.

- <button> is used at the end of a form to submit the form to the server.

- <input> is used to create multiple types of input fields such as password, button, text, and even a color picker.

- <label> labels are tied to each form part to improve the user experience. When correctly linked, you can click a label to select a form.

- <textarea> a dynamically sizable text field that allows longer messages to be typed and viewed.  


Learn JS


Learn JS


Introduction To Events


How would you describe events to a non-technical friend?

- Events are anything a user does on a webpage, such as a type, click, mouse-over, and even keystrokes can represent an event.  

When using the addEventListener() method, what 2 arguments will you need to provide?

- When the addEventListener is called, you must provide the type of event that's being listened for(such as click) and a callback function that decides how the click will be handled.  

Describe the event object. Why is the target within the event object useful?

- The event object is an object that contains all the different types of events that can be listened to. For example, If you need to listen for a specific key press, the object can be viewed to see which key is pressed because the key code lists them.

What is the difference between event bubbling and event capturing?

- Event bubbling will have nested elements with multiple events causing the nested event to trigger a parent element's event listener is triggered. Event capturing is a way to control which order the events are fired. Therefore, Event capturing is controlling the event capturing.   


Things I want to know more about: