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Code 201, Foundations of Software Development

Class 10 - Reading Notes


Readings: Debugging


What Went Wrong? Troubleshooting JavaScript


Name some key differences between a Syntax Error and a Logic Error.

- A syntax error is an error in how the code is written. JavaScript wont run the code, due to the error. Ex, could be: a typo or a missing bracket.

- Logic error will still run, but the result of the code result isn't what was intended. Ex, could be: Using subtraction instead of addition.  

List a few types of errors that you have encountered in past lab assignments and explain how you were able to correct them.

- ReferenceError, the variable was out of place. 

- SyntaxErrors, missing brackets/random text in the middle of the code.

- TypeErrors, input wrong variable as an argument. 

How will this topic continue to influence your long term goals?

- Recognition of error type helps expedite the debug process. 


The JavaScript Debugger


How would you describe the JavaScript Debugger tool and how it works to someone just starting out in software development?

- Debugging tool is similar to an xray, in that you can look at specific points in the code. 

Define what a breakpoint is.

- Breakpoints allow the code to run to a point and then pause. This can be used to find errors in your code.  

What is the call stack?

- Call stack is the tasks that JS performs. It generates the stack the first time passing through the code, then will add to the stack as it runs a second time. 


Things I want to know more about: