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Code 201, Foundations of Software Development

Class 12 - Reading Notes


Readings: Chart.js, Canvas


JavaScript Canvas


What does the <canvas> allow a developer to achieve?

- The Canvas API provides a means for drawing graphics via JavaScript and the HTML element. It can be used for animation, game graphics, data visualization, photo manipulation, and real-time video processing. 

What is the importance of the closing </canvas> tag?

- If the browser doesn't support canvas, content can alternatively be placed between canvas tags.

Explain what the getContext() method does.

- returns a drawing context (an abstract). 


Chart.js Documentation


What is Chart.js and how it can be brought into your project?

- An API, installed with NPM, that can add graphs/graphics to data. 

List 3 different Chart types you can create using Chart.js.

- Scatter Plot

- Line Chart

- Bar Chart


Easily Create Stunning Animated Charts with Chart.js


What are some advantages to displaying data via a chart over a table?

- Tables can be difficult to format/build and also have limited search function. Utilizing a chart allows the user to see a graphical representation of the data. 

How could Chart.js aid your previously created applications visually?

- Plugging data into the API gives a better representation, of the data, than the chart that would be generated by JS. 


Things I want to know more about: