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Code 201, Foundations of Software Development

Class 13 - Reading Notes




Local Storage and How To Use It On Websites


Why would a developer use local storage for a web application?

- Local Storage implements features, as users navigate the web app, in a logged-in state. It can recall settings, assist with personalization, and remembers settings without the use a of database.

What information should not be stored in local storage?

- Easily exploitable info, such as: passwords, personal identifying data(names/birthdays). 

Local storage can store what type of data? How would you convert it to that type before storing?

- Local storage stores all data as strings, so it may be required to .stringify() prior to sending data into Storage. When reading stored data, you can use the JSON.parse() method to turn data from a string back into its standard datatype. 


Things I want to know more about: