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Code 201, Foundations of Software Development

Class 14 - Reading Notes




CSS Transforms


What does a CSS transform allow the developer to do to an element?

- Transform enables the developer to change element properties by setting different properties such; as translate (can relocate where the image is located in the window) and addition (allows animations and transitions to change).

Provide an example of a transform and how you could see that being used on a website.

- transform:translateY - move a button upwards, add shadow, and a transition. It alters the hover action overtop of a button. 


CSS Transitions & Animations


What does a CSS transition allow the developer to do to an element?

- Transition, when applied to the parent element will slowly move into the new element property.

How does a CSS animation differ from a CSS transition?

- CSS animation uses keyframes to set breakpoints and change properties frame-by-frame. Transitions move to the new property with a set timer/style applied to how it transitions, such as "ease-in.". 


8 simple CSS3 transitions that will wow your users


What are some benefits to using CSS transitions on websites?

- Transitions bring a website to life. They can modify colors to change slowly, to improve the user experience. Gradual changes are a better experience for the user.

How this topic fit in with your long-term goals?

- As a full-stack developer, I anticipate that transitions/animations will be utilized in most future projects, within my career path. 


Psychological Safety


What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team


Five key characteristics of enhanced teams:



Researchers found that the poorest-performing teams were 100 percent ‘pragmatic’ and had 0 percent ‘relationship-building’ traits.


If you’re right brained:

Develop a strategic mindset. Know and understand what drives company to success.

Be known for something. Do you have deep expertise in relevant areas? (i.e., financial acumen, scientific expertise or even highly specialized knowledge such as tax law or M&A accounting). Be proactive in mastering them.

Practice tackling complex problems. This is especially helpful with those tricky interview questions that Google is famous for. Use those linear thinking skills to your advantage by diving deeply into issues.


If you’re left brained:

Develop learning agility. Instead of defaulting to the “tried and true” (which pragmatists tend to do), be open to trying varied approaches and new ideas.

Find joy in ambiguity. Practice coping with uncertainty and making decisions without having all the information beforehand.

Put your social leadership skills to the test. When was the last time you motivated influenced others or deeply connected with your teammates? You might come to find that you actually enjoy it.


Things I want to know more about: